Schedule for Girls U8 Dev - CMF

Sunday, October 20 (week 7)
match # time field home away
2401184 12:00pm Town Centre North - South West CMFSC Thorns CMFSC Spirit
2401183 1:00pm Town Centre North - North East CMFSC Stars CMFSC Wave

Sunday, October 27 (week 8)
match # time field home away
2401185 1:00pm Town Centre North - North East CMFSC Wave CMFSC Thorns
2401186 1:00pm Town Centre North - South East CMFSC Stars CMFSC Spirit

Sunday, November 3 (week 9)
match # time field home away
2401187 1:00pm Town Centre North - North East CMFSC Spirit CMFSC Wave
2401188 1:00pm Town Centre North - South East CMFSC Thorns CMFSC Stars

Sunday, November 10 (week 10)
match # time field home away
2401189 1:00pm Town Centre North - North East CMFSC Wave CMFSC Stars
2401190 1:00pm Town Centre North - South East CMFSC Spirit CMFSC Thorns

Sunday, November 17 (week 11)
match # time field home away
2401191 1:00pm Town Centre North - North East CMFSC Thorns CMFSC Wave
2401192 1:00pm Town Centre North Mini South East CMFSC Spirit CMFSC Stars

Sunday, November 24 (week 12)
match # time field home away
2401193 1:00pm Town Centre North - South East CMFSC Wave CMFSC Spirit
2401194 2:00pm Town Centre North - North East CMFSC Stars CMFSC Thorns

Sunday, December 1 (week 13)
match # time field home away
2401195 1:00pm Town Centre North - North East CMFSC Stars CMFSC Wave
2401196 1:00pm Town Centre North - South East CMFSC Thorns CMFSC Spirit

Sunday, December 8 (week 14)
match # time field home away
2401271 10:00am Town Centre North - South East CMFSC Stars CMFSC Spirit
2401270 11:00am Town Centre North - North East CMFSC Wave CMFSC Thorns

Sunday, January 12 (week 19)
match # time field home away
2402871 1:00pm Town Centre North - North East CMFSC Wave CMFSC Stars
2402872 1:00pm Town Centre North - South East CMFSC Spirit CMFSC Thorns

Sunday, January 19 (week 20)
match # time field home away
2402873 1:00pm Town Centre North - North East CMFSC Thorns CMFSC Wave
2402874 1:00pm Town Centre North - South East CMFSC Spirit CMFSC Stars

Sunday, January 26 (week 21)
match # time field home away
2402875 1:00pm Town Centre North - North East CMFSC Wave CMFSC Spirit
2402876 1:00pm Town Centre North - South East CMFSC Stars CMFSC Thorns

Sunday, February 2 (week 22)
match # time field home away
2402877 1:00pm Town Centre North - North East CMFSC Stars CMFSC Wave
2402878 1:00pm Town Centre North - South East CMFSC Thorns CMFSC Spirit

Sunday, February 9 (week 23)
match # time field home away
2402879 12:00pm Town Centre North - North East CMFSC Wave CMFSC Thorns
2402880 12:00pm Town Centre North - South East CMFSC Stars CMFSC Spirit

Sunday, February 23 (week 25)
match # time field home away
2402881 1:00pm Town Centre North - South East CMFSC Spirit CMFSC Wave
2402882 2:00pm Town Centre North - South East CMFSC Thorns CMFSC Stars

Sunday, March 2 (week 26)
match # time field home away
2402883 tba tba CMFSC Wave CMFSC Stars
2402884 tba tba CMFSC Spirit CMFSC Thorns

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Contacts for Girls U8 Dev - CMF

CMFSC Spirit
CMFSC Thorns

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Girls U8 Dev - CMF (2017)
Girls U8 Rec - AFC/MSC/RMSC (2017)
Girls U8 Rec - CMF (2017)
Girls U8 Rec - NWSC/PCFC/PMSC/SBMC (2017)
Girls U9 Dev (2016)
Girls U9 Rec - AFC/MSC/RMSC (2016)
Girls U9 Rec - CMF (2016)
Girls U9 Rec - NWSC/PCFC/PMSC/SBMC (2016)
Girls U10 Dev (2015)
Girls U10 Rec - AFC/MSC/RMSC (2015)
Girls U10 Rec - CMF (2015)
Girls U10 Rec - NWSC/PCFC/PMSC/SBMC (2015)
Girls U11 Div 3 (2014)
Girls U12 Div 3 (2013)

Boys U8 Dev - CMF (2017)
Boys U8 Rec - AFC/AUSC/MSC/RMSC (2017)
Boys U8 Rec - CMF (2017)
Boys U8 Rec - NWSC/PCFC/PMSC/SBMC (2017)
Boys U9 Dev (2016)
Boys U9 Rec - AFC/AUSC/MSC/RMSC (2016)
Boys U9 Rec - CMF (2016)
Boys U9 Rec - NWSC/PCFC/PMSC/SBMC (2016)
Boys U10 Dev (2015)
Boys U10 Rec - AFC/AUSC/MSC/RMSC (2015)
Boys U10 Rec - CMF (2015)
Boys U10 Rec - NWSC/PCFC/PMSC/SBMC (2015)
Boys U11 Div 3 (2014)
Boys U12 Div 3 (2013)