Schedule for Girls U8 Rec - CMF

Sunday, September 8 (week 1)
match # time field home away
2400126 11:00am Mundy Park East CMFSC Courage CMFSC Current
2400127 11:00am Mundy Park West CMFSC Dash CMFSC Reign
2400128 12:00pm Mundy Park East CMFSC Royals CMFSC Racing

Sunday, September 15 (week 2)
match # time field home away
2400129 9:00am Town Centre North - North East CMFSC Reign CMFSC Courage
2400130 9:00am Town Centre North - South East CMFSC Racing CMFSC Dash
2400131 9:00am Town Centre North - South West CMFSC Current CMFSC Royals

Sunday, September 22 (week 3)
match # time field home away
2400132 9:00am Town Centre North - North East CMFSC Courage CMFSC Racing
2400133 9:00am Town Centre North - South East CMFSC Dash CMFSC Royals
2400134 9:00am Town Centre North - South West CMFSC Reign CMFSC Current

Sunday, September 29 (week 4)
match # time field home away
2400135 12:00pm Town Centre North - North East CMFSC Royals CMFSC Courage
2400136 12:00pm Town Centre North - South East CMFSC Current CMFSC Dash
2400137 12:00pm Town Centre North - South West CMFSC Racing CMFSC Reign

Sunday, October 6 (week 5)
match # time field home away
2400138 12:00pm Town Centre North - South East CMFSC Courage CMFSC Dash
2400139 12:00pm Town Centre North - North East CMFSC Reign CMFSC Royals
2400140 12:00pm Town Centre North - South West CMFSC Racing CMFSC Current

Sunday, October 20 (week 7)
match # time field home away
2401197 12:00pm Town Centre North - North West CMFSC Current CMFSC Courage
2401198 12:00pm Town Centre North - South East CMFSC Reign CMFSC Dash
2401199 12:00pm Town Centre North - North East CMFSC Racing CMFSC Royals

Sunday, October 27 (week 8)
match # time field home away
2401200 12:00pm Town Centre North - North East CMFSC Courage CMFSC Reign
2401201 12:00pm Town Centre North - North West CMFSC Dash CMFSC Racing
2401202 12:00pm Town Centre North - South East CMFSC Royals CMFSC Current

Sunday, November 3 (week 9)
match # time field home away
2401203 12:00pm Town Centre North - South East CMFSC Racing CMFSC Courage
2401204 12:00pm Town Centre North - North East CMFSC Royals CMFSC Dash
2401205 12:00pm Town Centre North - North West CMFSC Current CMFSC Reign

Sunday, November 10 (week 10)
match # time field home away
2401206 12:00pm Town Centre North - North East CMFSC Courage CMFSC Royals
2401207 12:00pm Town Centre North - South East CMFSC Dash CMFSC Current
2401208 12:00pm Town Centre North - North West CMFSC Reign CMFSC Racing

Sunday, November 17 (week 11)
match # time field home away
2401209 12:00pm Town Centre North - North East CMFSC Dash CMFSC Courage
2401211 12:00pm Town Centre North - South East CMFSC Current CMFSC Racing
2401210 2:00pm Town Centre North - North East CMFSC Royals CMFSC Reign

Sunday, November 24 (week 12)
match # time field home away
2401213 12:00pm Town Centre North - North East CMFSC Dash CMFSC Reign
2401214 12:00pm Town Centre North - South East CMFSC Royals CMFSC Racing
2401212 1:00pm Town Centre North - North East CMFSC Courage CMFSC Current

Sunday, December 1 (week 13)
match # time field home away
2401215 12:00pm Town Centre North - North East CMFSC Reign CMFSC Courage
2401216 12:00pm Town Centre North - South East CMFSC Racing CMFSC Dash
2401217 12:00pm Town Centre North - South West CMFSC Current CMFSC Royals

Sunday, December 8 (week 14)
match # time field home away
2401267 9:00am Town Centre North - North East CMFSC Courage CMFSC Racing
2401268 9:00am Town Centre North - South East CMFSC Dash CMFSC Royals
2401269 10:00am Town Centre North - North East CMFSC Reign CMFSC Current

Sunday, January 12 (week 19)
match # time field home away
2402885 12:00pm Town Centre North - North East CMFSC Courage CMFSC Dash
2402886 12:00pm Town Centre North - South East CMFSC Reign CMFSC Royals
2402887 12:00pm Town Centre North - North Centre CMFSC Racing CMFSC Current

Sunday, January 19 (week 20)
match # time field home away
2402888 12:00pm Town Centre North - North East CMFSC Current CMFSC Courage
2402889 12:00pm Town Centre North - South East CMFSC Reign CMFSC Dash
2402890 12:00pm Town Centre North - North Centre CMFSC Racing CMFSC Royals

Sunday, January 26 (week 21)
match # time field home away
2402891 12:00pm Town Centre North - North East CMFSC Courage CMFSC Reign
2402892 12:00pm Town Centre North - South East CMFSC Dash CMFSC Racing
2402893 12:00pm Town Centre North - North Centre CMFSC Royals CMFSC Current

Sunday, February 2 (week 22)
match # time field home away
2402895 12:00pm Town Centre North - North East CMFSC Royals CMFSC Dash
2402896 12:00pm Town Centre North - North Centre CMFSC Current CMFSC Reign
2402894 1:00pm Town Centre North - North Centre CMFSC Racing CMFSC Courage

Sunday, February 9 (week 23)
match # time field home away
2402897 1:00pm Town Centre North - North East CMFSC Courage CMFSC Royals
2402898 1:00pm Town Centre North - South East CMFSC Dash CMFSC Current
2402899 2:00pm Town Centre North - North East CMFSC Reign CMFSC Racing

Sunday, February 23 (week 25)
match # time field home away
2402900 12:00pm Town Centre North - North East CMFSC Dash CMFSC Courage
2402902 12:00pm Town Centre North - South East CMFSC Current CMFSC Racing
2402901 1:00pm Town Centre North - North East CMFSC Royals CMFSC Reign

Sunday, March 2 (week 26)
match # time field home away
2402903 tba tba CMFSC Courage CMFSC Current
2402904 tba tba CMFSC Dash CMFSC Reign
2402905 tba tba CMFSC Royals CMFSC Racing

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Contacts for Girls U8 Rec - CMF

CMFSC Courage
CMFSC Current Stanislav Bebek
[javascript protected email address]
CMFSC Dash Trevor Sharpe
[javascript protected email address]
CMFSC Racing
CMFSC Reign Gord Coutts
[javascript protected email address]
CMFSC Royals Matthew Lemos
[javascript protected email address]
Christie Morning-Smith
[javascript protected email address]

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Girls U8 Dev - CMF (2017)
Girls U8 Rec - AFC/MSC/RMSC (2017)
Girls U8 Rec - CMF (2017)
Girls U8 Rec - NWSC/PCFC/PMSC/SBMC (2017)
Girls U9 Dev (2016)
Girls U9 Rec - AFC/MSC/RMSC (2016)
Girls U9 Rec - CMF (2016)
Girls U9 Rec - NWSC/PCFC/PMSC/SBMC (2016)
Girls U10 Dev (2015)
Girls U10 Rec - AFC/MSC/RMSC (2015)
Girls U10 Rec - CMF (2015)
Girls U10 Rec - NWSC/PCFC/PMSC/SBMC (2015)
Girls U11 Div 3 (2014)
Girls U12 Div 3 (2013)

Boys U8 Dev - CMF (2017)
Boys U8 Rec - AFC/AUSC/MSC/RMSC (2017)
Boys U8 Rec - CMF (2017)
Boys U8 Rec - NWSC/PCFC/PMSC/SBMC (2017)
Boys U9 Dev (2016)
Boys U9 Rec - AFC/AUSC/MSC/RMSC (2016)
Boys U9 Rec - CMF (2016)
Boys U9 Rec - NWSC/PCFC/PMSC/SBMC (2016)
Boys U10 Dev (2015)
Boys U10 Rec - AFC/AUSC/MSC/RMSC (2015)
Boys U10 Rec - CMF (2015)
Boys U10 Rec - NWSC/PCFC/PMSC/SBMC (2015)
Boys U11 Div 3 (2014)
Boys U12 Div 3 (2013)